Quick and dirty AzureIP dashboard

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One possible enhancement for Azure Information Protection would be a nice dashboard. Just a quick overview of the total amount of documents labeled and protected, for example. But unfortunately, this is (as yet) not available.

So today I wondered if it would be possible to (re)use current technology to achieve this. And by simply using PowerShell, Excel and PowerBI I think I did. By the way, you could/should use the AzureIP scanner for this. But I did mention this was quick & dirty, right?

You will probably know that the Azure Information Protection client contains several PowerShell scripts. One of these cmdlets can be used to retrieve the filestatus. This cmdlet is called Get-AIPFileStatus.

You can run this cmdlet and have the information provided on-screen. Fun-fact: this will not return the values for the RMS-protection status.PowerShell_Export_2Get-AIPFileStatus without export

But I want to use these results to create a small dashboard. So I choose to run the cmdlet and export the results to a comma separated value file. Second fun-fact: now the RMS-protection status is exported.


This csv-file can now be imported in Excel. I use Excel, because it saves some time when using PowerBI. You need to import the data and format this data as a table. By the way: you might already be happy with this level of information. But I’ll go on with my PowerBI dashboard.

excelExcel import of data

In PowerBI, I’ve imported the data. And now it can be used as fields for my little dashboard.


And, voila, here’s an example dashboard. It shows if documents have been labeled or not and which labels have been used. If you hover your mouse above the charts, the number of documents is shown as-well.

Just for show, I’ve also added a more detailed list of documents at the bottom.

PowerBI dashboardPowerBI dashboard (Quick and Dirty like)

That’s it for now. I do hope that Azure Information Protection will get a nice, out of the box, dashboard. It’s something most clients ask me about, when I talk about this function.

By the way…. If you want to go more in-depth with Azure Information Protection or RMS logs, check out this excellent article by Microsoft. It describes how you can get and analyze the logfiles from the RMS service itself. Then you get information like this:


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